Yoobee Short Courses offers a range of professional development courses with technical workshops. Choose the one suiting your needs and enrol.  


If you are looking for more information on our upcoming school holiday programmes, such as dates and the brochure, please click here.



Holiday Programme
5 days

Creating simple characters and backgrounds in two-dimensional environments which are often used in advertisements, films, TV, computer games and websites. In addition you’ll learn how to bring characters to life in 3D.

Holiday Programme
Game Design - School Holiday Programme
5 days

Design and create assets for your very own game in industry level programmes: Unity & Maya. From introduction level, understand the basics of game creation and 3D modeling.

Holiday Programme
NCEA Credit Course
Online Option
Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking
Level 3
4 days

Learn about cyber security threats, how to test and respond to attacks. Learn ethical hacking techniques to test and secure your own network and devices.

Holiday Programme
NCEA Credit Course
Online Option
Code a Website
Level 3
4 days

Explore how websites are developed and learn the coding required to make a site of your own.

Holiday Programme
Makeup SFX - Holiday Programme
4 days

Learn a range of basic SFX techniques and prosthetic applications to create your own SFX character!

Holiday Programme
Graphic Design - Holiday Programme
4 days

Fuel your creativity – learn the tools of the trade to build your Graphic Design skills.

Holiday Programme
Film Making – Holiday Programme
5 days

Make your very own mini-film in a 5-day workshop by learning practical skills in filmmaking and learn to prepare your content for online platforms.

Holiday Programme
Character Design & Illustration
5 days

Combine the powers of digital design with the art of storytelling and watch as your imagination takes flight with Character Design and Illustration!

Holiday Programme
NCEA Credit Course
Game Development – NCEA Credit Course
5 days

Be introduced to professional game design and development. Learn coding fundamentals using C# language, create design concepts and develop a playable level using Unity.

Holiday Programme
Canvas to Creation: The Art of Makeup School Holiday Programme
3 days

This course will teach you how to choose the right products and apply the basic makeup techniques, ranging from everyday makeup to glamour, selfie-worthy makeup! If you’re excited to try out exciting and advanced makeup styles and learn cool creative techniques, then this is the course for you! You will be shown Editorial and Avant Garde demonstrations with key creative techniques to give your finished look the WOW factor!


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