
Bachelor of Marketing and Creativity

Level 7
3 years

This all-encompassing Bachelor’s Degree will teach you the foundations and fundamentals of marketing, design, web, content creation, campaigns, branding, products and more. Each year you will build on your core knowledge and experience, to future-proof your skill-set for an exciting career ahead.


360 Credits | Full-time | On Campus

Our Marketing and Creativity Bachelor’s Degree lives in the future, a place where tech meets business, meets marketing, meets tomorrow.


The world is changing at an exponential pace right now.  What worked a few years ago, doesn’t anymore.  We need to change the script, flip the conversation, use un-business business thinking to read the shifts and get ahead.

So, while others are teaching obsolete business and marketing concepts and theory, our new degree lives in the future.

A place where the lines between business, tech, design and marketing don’t exist. A place where you get to break the rules and set new ones. Upon completion, you will receive a Bachelor of Marketing and Creativity – Toi Ranga Auaha (Level 7).



What you'll learn

Fundamentals of Design

Understanding the end-to-end design process gives you a real edge over other marketers. You’ll learn what makes a design element successful by getting a handle on the principles of design, and practice this first hand creating design assets using InDesign and Photoshop. You’ll also find out what makes certain designs appeal to certain people by learning more about target audiences.

Web and Graphic Design

A functional, responsive website is a beautiful thing. Find out how to make one for tablet and smartphone using WordPress, HTML and CSS. You’ll also learn how to use content management systems, plugins and widgets, and website template builders like Wix and Square Space to create a website.

Storytelling and Content Creation

You’ll learn to develop the bones of a great piece of content including the set-up of the story. You'll build your copywriting skills and use your new digital marketing skills to develop and repurpose content across a range of social media, digital and print mediums.

Consumer Behaviour

You’ll look at customer insights, social and cultural influences on buying behaviour, the psychology of pricing and the role of media in consumer perceptions.


Marketing Foundations and Digital Marketing

You’ll learn the role of marketing in a successful business, how to clearly define a target market and identify their media consumption trends. You’ll learn about developing a unique selling proposition and how to create a plan to effectively communicate your brand and message. You’ll also get the practical skills to use online platforms and tools to implement and execute an effective digital marketing plan, including identifying social media platforms and content that reaches your target audience. You’ll learn how to design and implement effective email campaigns. Explore advertising platforms and plan targeted campaigns, learning when and how to use SEO, SEM, Email marketing, social custom audiences and retargeting, and how to track and report on results.

Introduction to Entrepreneurship

You’ll delve into the mind-set of an entrepreneur. Learn about design thinking, lean start up principles, the ins and outs of working for yourself rather than someone else, how to build resilience, and how to face business challenges.

Developing a successful campaign

You’ll bring together everything you’ve learned to develop a campaign. You’ll find a market need through research or your own ideas, write a marketing plan, develop and repurpose content, develop creative assets, and present the plan to your fellow students.

In this year, you’ll focus on developing your skills in key areas of Branding, SEO & CRMs, Inbound Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising and Communication.

Semester one


Deep dive into what makes certain brands thrive while others die.  Get under the hood of how a brand is developed from start to finish, and the design process is undertaken. Learn how branding and brand identity influence an audience. The apply all of this practically by developing your own branded visual assets.


Discover SEO techniques and learn to analyse data which will form the basis of developing and implementing new engagement strategies. Understand how CRM’s work to manage, track, analyse and facilitate customer interactions and relationships and generate growth in business or marketing contexts.

Inbound Marketing

Lead generation is the backbone of many innovation-led businesses.  Learn about the key concepts, principles and unique challenges of inbound marketing. Understand quality measures required to build customer loyalty and measure the effectiveness of your inbound marketing strategies. Understand how content drives customer leads and improves conversion.


Semester two

Creative Strategies

Creative strategies you through challenging briefs enabling you to extend creative problem-solving skills through intense collaboration of team members with diverse skills and experience. You will investigate creative theory and industry processes along with generating innovative creative solutions to produce highly finished brand communication.

Digital Marketing

In this course you are introduced to the dynamic world of digital marketing and the potential it can provide. Digital Marketing targets both hardware and software specific digital channels in the context of both their technology underpinnings and the facilitation of delivery mechanics.

Social Marketing Platform

Introduces you to the value of social platforms in marketing and the importance of establishing both a cohesive and a comprehensive platform presence. It aims to provide you with appropriate knowledge and competence in the fundamentals of social media advertising, in particular digital campaigns.

Integrated Marketing Communications

You will learn about the core marketing tools of advertising, promotion and social platforms that are critical to reaching customers, and how the integration of marketing channels reaches customers effectively. Learn what media channels are suitable for a variety of different communications scenarios. Learn how to track the effectiveness of integrated marketing communications.

This final year is all about developing your critical thinking, self-development and getting prepared to become a change maker in the industry. You will be involved in a lot of project-based work, and because business and marketing come with restrictions to creative thinking and decision making, the various problem-based studio projects replicate that in a creative setting.

You will produce a business strategy and design work at an industry standard. You’ll spend a lot of time pitching and presenting your work, so you are experienced in stakeholder, manager, and investor approvals for your ideas.

Semester one

Growth Hacking

We’ll teach you the growth-hacker mindset, including how to think about growth hacking instead of just “digital marketing”. We will teach you growth-hacking skills, strategies, processes, and best practices and get your started on your ride as a t shaped growth marketer by teaching you all the required digital metrics, including lean analytics, AAARRR, OMTM, digital conversion funnels, and LTV and CAC calculations.

Purpose Driven Leadership

Leadership is hard! So during this year you’ll understand the principles of great leadership and develop skills to lead and manage individuals and teams. A part of this is about demonstrating integrity, ethical conduct, accountability and awareness of professionalism.


Collab Studio

You’ll work in an industry-simulated environment “safe space” in which you’ll evaluate, create, design, develop and implement strategic plans in topics of your choice, to address real clients’ marketing, advertising and communication objectives.

Semester two

Innovation Models

Understand how innovative thinking is fostered in a business by analysing the business model of an existing venture using innovation theory and principles to determine its viability.

You’ll learn to create hypotheses and experiments to test the viability of a business model and leaned to adapt and iterate the model based on the results of your experiments. Then you’ll plan major changes to the model to pivot your approach.

Industry Practice Studio

Get ready to be projected into the industry!  This piece of group work will develop your project management, time management, prioritisation, and interpersonal skills by working in a team across multiple elective topics, researching and evaluating marketing and advertising projects to plan and implement your own campaign.

This project will give you experience in collaboratively developing a creative piece of work; learning how to work with diverse groups in a business, through agile development and processes, and is a broad experience for when you graduate.



Course Start Dates






A bit more information

Software licenses we provide you with:

A year-long subscription to Adobe (covered by Course Related Costs).

Equipment you need to bring

You are required to bring your own device. This allows flexibility of study outside of class hours and seamless remote study in the event of another lockdown where classroom facilities are inaccessible. If you do not own your own device, please discuss this with one of our team at enrolment. 

Components of
your device




   Intel Core i5,
or better

   Intel Core i5,
or better


8 GB

16 GB


   256 GB SSD

   512 GD SSD

Screen Resolution

   1280 x 800

    1920 x 1080

Domestic students

  • Tuition Fees:

    • First year: $8,070 - First Year Free* for a limited time

    • Second year: $8,064

    • Third year: $8,070

  • Student Services Levy$350 per year

  • Course Related Costs***: $361 per year

* Apply for the Creative Pathfinder Scholarship to study your first year free. (Course related costs not included)

**Fees Free Study

Find out more here or visit the government Fees Free Website to check if you're eligible for Final Year Fees Free study.

***Course Related Cost  - Covers software licensing for student use on campus for the period of 1 year. This amount can be covered by StudyLink's courses related cost loan.

International students

  • Tuition Fees: $26,000/year (NZD)

    • Total: $78,000

  • Course Related Costs: $2,000/year (NZD)

    • Total: $6,000

For more information, click here to download the international course costs PDF.

Please note fees are subject to change.

Domestic Students

General Admissions

Applicants must have completed NCEA University Entrance or equivalent CIE/IB grades


Hold an equivalent qualification from an overseas secondary school or tertiary institution, deemed by the college to be sufficient for admission into a bachelor programme


Have successfully completed a level 4 or higher qualification in a related field.

Special Admissions

Applicants must be a New Zealand resident or permanent resident AND have 2 years relevant work experience and skills in digital media/technology or similar as evidenced by a professional portfolio and/or documented industry experience.

International Students must be 18 years and over, and IELTS (Academic) of 6.0 (no band lower than 5.5)



Get more info

Provide your details in the form below and one of our course advisors will then be in touch with more information.





Qualifications are issued by Yoobee Colleges Ltd. Yoobee Colleges Ltd is an NZQA Category 2 registered provider.

Term dates are subject to change pending enrolment numbers, availability and unforeseen funding fluctuations. Yoobee Colleges Ltd reserves the right to modify schedules to make sure the College runs well and students are offered the best learning experience.



